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Email from Mr. O' Meara - 1st of March 2021


Good morning to everyone,


I have attached a letter,for you all, from the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Ronan Glynn.  Please have a read.


Many of you will have children returning to Scoil Carmel this morning.  I hope all goes well and wish parents, pupils and the staff of the school the best of luck.


Hopefully it won't be long now before we join them back in Scoil Treasa


School work and other activities for this week are up on the website and teachers will be in touch this morning on Google Classroom.


For parents of pupils awaiting news on the Sacrament of Confirmation (6th classes) and last year's First Communion (present 3rd classes), there is a recorded YouTube  message from the Archbishop available on the parish website


Thanks to our Board of Management members and Parents' Association for all their support over the past two months.


Some good news:


1. Congratulations to Linda Mulligan, past pupil and mother to Killian and Shane Dunne, on her appointment to the post of  Chief State Pathologist


2. Congratulations to Mark O'Brien who was appointed Executive Director of The Abbey Theatre last week. Mark is the father of  Hugh,Rory and Tom . His wife, Helen, worked for many years on our Parents' Association Committee.


Finally, please contact us at if  we can be of any help.


Have a good week


Gerard O' Meara


Contact Us
Scoil Treasa,
Ballycullen Avenue,


Dublin 24

Tel: 01 4513141

Fax:  01 4513149


© 2024 by Scoil Treasa, Firhouse

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