Colm Brophy, the Minister of State with responsibility for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, visits Scoil Treasa
On Wednesday the 26th of January, Minister Brophy came to promote Irish Aid at Scoil Treasa by taking pictures of Mr Fletcher's 6th class.
Irish Aid programs help reduce poverty and hunger as well help climate action, gender equality and strengthening governance. It supports long-term development and provides humanitarian support for over 80 of the world's poorest countries.
The 1st photo they took was of the whole class and Colm Brophy. He is the Minister of State with responsibility for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora. Then everyone went in except for two classmates and I. We took a lot of cool pictures with props. There were some words and a spinner but my favourite was the giant inflatable globe. The photographer took loads of photos which all turned out great. It was exciting for our school to be able to promote a charity that does so much for other countries in the world.
Clodagh O'Hara