Upcoming Events
School News
Midterm Break
17th - 21st Feb
New Maths Curriculum Inservice Training - school closed
24th Feb
17th March
Bank Holiday
Admissions 2025-2026
Viking Ships: The children in 3rd Class have been learning all about the Vikings. Ms McWalter's Class made some wonderful Viking ships. Have a look at some photos.

3rd Class

3rd Class

3rd Class

3rd Class
Aladdin ePayments
Book Fair: The annual book fair took place in the school this week. The children enjoyed browsing through the large selection of books.

Lego Coding: All of the children have been making good use of the Lego Education Spike kits to make and code some wonderful Lego creations.
Basketball Finals: Congratulations to our 6th Class Girls' Basketball Team and Boys' Basketball Team who both won their Dublin Primary School Mini-Basketball Finals in the National Basketball Arena.

A Word from our Principal
On behalf of the Board of Management, staff, parents and pupils, I welcome you to our school website. We are a Catholic primary school in the Parish of Firhouse. The school was established in 1977 and caters for pupils from third class to sixth class. We have 430 pupils and a staff of 32 at present. We endeavour to provide a caring, happy and secure learning environment, where the spiritual, physical, moral, cultural and intellectual needs of our pupils are looked after. There is a wonderful sense of community evident in our school and it is the hard work of staff and students with the support of parents that makes Scoil Treasa truly unique. I hope you enjoy learning about our school and are encouraged to continue visiting both our school and our website.
Best wishes
Gerard O’ Meara
December 2019