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Email from Mr. O' Meara - 8th of March 2021


Good morning parents and guardians,


I hope all is well with you and your family at this time. We face in to another and hopefully last week of remote learning for our pupils.


The D.E.S. has named Monday 15th March as the return date for classes 3rd- 6th. 

We look forward to this and we will be making all the preparations necessary, this week, to facilitate the safe reopening of our school building.


In the meantime the schedule of school work for this week is on our website and teachers will be in touch on Google Classroom throughout the week.


Some points to note:

1.We are requesting that all boxes of pupils’ books be returned to the school on Thursday 11th  March. This will allow us to quarantine their contents before their use on Monday, 15th March.  We would ask you to sanitize the boxes and books before returning them

Times:  3rd & 5th Classes - 9-10 a.m.   and 4th & 6th Classes 10-11 a.m.  Entry will be as in January when collecting the boxes.  I will follow up later in the week with more details.

2. Parents are requested  to sign a 'Return to Educational Facility Declaration Form' from the H.S.E.  This form will be available through the Aladdin App at the end of the week.

3. A small number of parents have still not registered for the Aladdin App.  Please do so this week if you can.  Anyone needing help can contact the school

4. The same procedures that were in place before Christmas will continue on our return.  Our opening and closing times will be staggered.  Again I will follow up later in the week with a newsletter.

5. Please contact the school if you need any further help.



Gerard O' Meara

Contact Us
Scoil Treasa,
Ballycullen Avenue,


Dublin 24

Tel: 01 4513141

Fax:  01 4513149


© 2024 by Scoil Treasa, Firhouse

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