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Email from Mr. O' Meara - 18th of January, 2021

Dear Parents, Guardians and all our pupils,


I hope you are all safe and keeping well. I know the boys and girls are engaging in a lot of school work over these days.  Well done to you all.  Teachers have reported great enthusiasm last week.


The school work for this week is up on our website and also available from teacher


I would recommend you continue with the  work this week-  and also do plenty of reading/projects/ art/ outdoor activities etc.when you get a chance


The class teachers use  'Google Classroom'.  This is working well.   If you have any issue you can contact teacher  and we can sort it out for you.


We have put up some Wellbeing resources on our website which you and the pupils might find helpful.  These resources can be found under the tab 'Our Classes' .


If you need to contact us,our email is


The School Hub is on each date  for two hours in the morning.  It is a great resource and I would encourage pupils to tune in whenever they get a chance.  There is also a programme at 3.20 p.m. in the afternoon for after school activities.


We have a meeting today with NPHET in relation to partial opening of schools.  I will keep you updated


Finally I wish you and your family well.  Keep safe and keep washing your hands!


We will be in touch again later in the week or when there are any news.


Kind regards

Gerard O' Meara



Contact Us
Scoil Treasa,
Ballycullen Avenue,


Dublin 24

Tel: 01 4513141

Fax:  01 4513149


© 2024 by Scoil Treasa, Firhouse

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