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Visit from an Author

Author of The Shadows of Rookhaven, Padraig Kenny came to talk to 5th Class today about life as an author, what his job entails and his plans for future books. We really enjoyed meeting him!



Ms. Carey's Class used their knowledge of weight to measure out the ingredients to make delicious muffins.


"The Alter...nativity !!"


Mr. Keville's Class

Mr. Keville's class performed their version of a Nativity play. Unfortunately some of the children were not in when filming was happening. They would have been brilliant. Well done to those that filled in at short notice.

Guys, each and every one of you did an amazing job learning your lines, working hard and acting in the play. You should all be very proud. We certainly have some budding actors and actresses in our midst.

Apologies for the very amateur editing.

Enjoy !!

Christmas Dioramas

Mr. Keville's class made Christmas dioramas to take home. They used shoe boxes, wrapping paper and bits'n'bobs that were lying around the house and the classroom. There was great use of materials, creativity and imagination. We could have a set designer of the future in this group. Scroll through the photos to have a look.

High Flyers

Mr. Keville's class were investigating the relationship between friction and air, and how it is used in our lives. They made paper airplanes and parachutes. They tested out their creations afterwards. Move over NASA !! Click through the photos and videos below.

Tower Builders !!

The future architects and engineers from Mr. Keville's class were trying to build the highest self supporting towers with 5 pieces of paper. They collaborated in groups. Lots of investigating, communication and fun. Here's how they did.

Science Week 

Ms. Brady's class finished Science Week with a bang!! Our class scientists presented fantastic experiments to the class that they had prepared themselves at home! From lava lamps, exploding volcanoes, to gravity experiments! What a fantastic way to end Science Week 2021!! Click on the photos below to see more.

Mé Féin Rap

Ms. Brady's class have finally released their much anticipated music video for their song 'Mé Féin Rap'. Written, choreographed, sung, and recorded in school! They predict it to be in the top of the charts by the end of the week.

Stardom here we come! Enjoy!

'Beat' the Rhythm

Mr. Keville's class have been learning about musical beats and rhythm. They learned some beats and practiced them in a variety of ways : reciting, clapping, tapping and using percussion instruments. When they were ready, the children worked in groups to compose their own beats and rhythms. Each group performed their compositions for the class using a variety of percussion instruments. Who knows? We may have a budding Mozart, Beethoven, Ennio Morricone, John Williams or Hans Zimmer.

Click on the photos below.